Thursday, January 22, 2009

One from the Archives! of the week: Crossing on Giant steps


I've been to Banaue twice before we went 3 years ago as part of our holy week escape. The first time, I had chicken pox because my mom wanted all of her kids to get it at the same time, while we were little to prevent having it later, so i stayed in the hotel pretty much the whole week. The second one, we took a coaster (a small luxury type bus) and what I remember the most is the curtains of the vehicle having the same print as my mom's shirt on the way there. Also, we stayed in Banaue hotel, and back then, I was too lazy to really experience crossing the giant pilapil, I was content with just looking at them.

This time was different though. We decided to experience it fully and to cram as much as we can in the 3 days that we were staying before we set off for Sagada. The best time though was hiking to the village of Batad and the Tappiya waterfalls on the last day. It was an exhausting day but the pictures that we got and the close calls (one wrong step can send you down 20 feet or more feet, the pilapils were huge!) and of course the reward of seeing the waterfall at the end of the trail made it all worthwhile. Here's a link to my original post. I must say, of all the places I've visited, so far, Banaue has been the most photogenic. 

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